Monday, March 31

Liceo U and NCAA present “Baybayin”, a show about “Sinaunang Baybayin” at Rodelsa Hall

Baybayin, a show about “Sinaunang Baybayin” will be held at the Rodelsa Hall on October 7. This “Pagpasundayag sa Sinaunang Baybayin” show is brought to us by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) in partnership with Liceo de Cagayan University and Pasundayag Community Arts. The “Pagpasundayag sa Sinaunang Baybayin” series of activities with a workshop is facilitated by Emil Yap, expert on the Sinaunang Baybayin.


The ancient Filipino writing famously coined as Alibata. BaiBayin or Baybayi is a system or way of writing of our Filipino Ancestors. This started from the root word “Baybay or BaiBai” that means spelling or tracing.

Photo supplied by NCAA, LDCU and Pasundayag Community Arts

The show performance entitled: “Baybayin” (In english meaning: Shore) is a medley of multi-art disciplines based from the research on Sinaunang Baybayin. The show is a collaborative work by local Kagay-anon artists like Michael Bacol of the Oro Arts Guild; Arnie Jumao-as and Feliz Ugalde of the Next Moves, and their choreographer Roger Odron; Dulaang Atenista current members, Jc Salon, Angelo Dabbay, Franz Lacson and Dandy Tan; plus Dulaang Atenista Almuni Alvin Adaza, Ethyl Malachico, Dr. Reynards Tan and Denise Mordeno Aguilar. The production soundscape design is led by a veteran Kagay-anon Musician, Drue Dahonpalay.

Watch Baybayin on n Oct 7, 2016 at Rodelsa Hall with the Matinee show at 3PM and Gala at 8PM. A ticket to the show is worth Php 100 and you may reserve by calling 09774020050, 09177741749 or 09167852804.

Together let’s explore the past thru Sinaunang Baybayin and create a future using it.

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