Monday, March 31

Missy Bon Bon Greets you “Maayong Buntag” with Fresh New Dishes

Missy Bon Bon, a hip, cozy, and relaxed artisanal bread shop serving healthy, freshly made bread onsite, as well as unique fusion interpretations of local bread products, gourmet comfort food, custom gelato, and freshly brewed coffee greets you Maayong Buntag with Fresh New Dishes!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it fuels you and gets you ready for the big day. Studies shows that people who eat breakfast have more energy at school and work thus making a more productive day.

Missy Bon Bon Breakfast Meals

Missy Bon Bon is now serving new dishes! Starting off with its Full Filipino Breakfast, Karambola! and Danggit Pamahaw de Cebu. To add is their All Day Platters Menu serving Full American Breakfast and the Super Flapjacks Breakfast!

You may also need a boost for the day with their Sizzling Starters like the Sexy Omelette for the vegetarians and Power Omelette for the meat lovers!

To complete the day, you may also try their Patty Banana Pancake, Stuffy Fresh Toast and the Yema Pancake de Cagayan.

Start your day by visiting Missy Bon Bon at Limketkai Center, Cagayan de Oro City.

Missy Bon Bon
Limketkai Center, Cagayan de Oro City
Telephone Number: (088) 856 6852

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