Monday, March 31

New Eat-All-You-Can in CDO: Yakimix CDO Sushi-Smokeless Grill Restaurant

For the past couple of years, has received a lot of searches about eat-all-you-can in Cagayan de Oro. Actually, it’s the number one most searched keyword on this blog which led me in creating a specific page for it. The numbers truly reflect that Cagayan de Oro has a market for buffets. (Check out the updated list of Eat-All-You-Can or Buffet in CDO.)

Yakimix Cagayan de Oro

The latest addition to this Eat-All-You-Can craving in CDO is Yakimix, a Sushi-Smokeless Grill Restaurant. They opened in February 12, 2017 at the newly opened CTC or Cagayan Town Center located at Antonio Luna and Capt. Vicente Roa Streets near Graphic All in Store.

The restaurant is known for the eat and drink all you can concept featuring Japanese and Asian fusion dishes. They also boast their smokeless grill which gives you the confidence that you’ll never smell like the smoke from a griller.

For your convenience, it’s best to call Yakimix Cagayan de Oro in advance to reserve (YakiMix CDO number listed below) as Yakimixers will surely flock to this latest addition to the restaurants in the city.

Yakimix CDO occupies a large portion of CTC. It can cater to around 350 seats with function rooms which can occupy to around 30 to 80 people. The new Cagayan Town Center has a huge parking lot so parking wouldn’t be a problem until all the spaces in CTC are leased.

Yakimix CDO has the same concept and feel with other Yakimix Eat-All-You-Can around the Philippines. Predominantly it’s the space is colored cream with lots of gold accents and red furnitures or seats. It’s also spacious and the mirrors within the resto ads up to that illusion but seriously it’s spacious.

Yakimix Food Selections

Yakimix is known for its tons of options. The price is more than its worth. You name it, Yakimix has it – sushi, sashimi, a section for shrimp tempura, takoyaki, chinese food, japanese soups, a salad and fruit bar, a raw meat bar and unlimited drinks.

Finish your meals with unlimited desserts. Yes – DESSERTS! Yakimix CDO gives you a lot of cake options, mousse, panna cotta, mango float and other frozen desserts. You also have an unlimited ice cream bar and a portion where you can make your own halo-halo. Good deal for those who have a sweet tooth.

I had this on my plate: sushi, pasta, baby potatoes, a couple of asian food, a rice mix. Everything on the plate was just mouthwatering. I wish I had a bigger stomach for round 3-4. I also love their tempura and the crab sticks. Their raw meat selections are also a must-try and dessert!

Is Yaximix CDO worth the visit?


Pricing. Pricing is relatively okay in terms of Cagayan de Oro standards. Lunch is Php 499 and Dinner is Php 599 during Mondays-Fridays. Lunch and Dinner during Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays are set at Php 599.

Children below 3ft are free, 4ft is at Php 299.

Food Options. No question – tons of options and they make refills from time to time. You’ll find a favorite there but I have truly appreciated their tempura and crab sticks.

I’m definitely coming back.

Again, Yakimix CDO is located at Cagayan Town Center located at Antonio Luna and Capt. Vicente Roa Streets. Reserve today by any of these numbers: Yakimix CDO contact numbers – 0956-876-9381, 859-1159 and 859-1161.

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