Monday, March 31

S&R CDO Open House set on July 12-15, Non-members are welcome

Been meaning to visit S&R but you haven’t signed up yet?

S&R, a popular warehouse membership shopping chain in the Philippines is set to have their Open House (No Membership Needed) happening this July 12-15, 2018.

Expect to get big discounts from the popular warehouse membership shopping chain modeled from the U.S. S&R CDO is the perfect place to shop and save money from discounts. S&R clubs in CDO and the rest of the country are expected to extend their operating hours to 10 PM to cater to all their members and non-members during the open house.

In case you’re planning to sign up, membership starts at Php 700 which is good for a year. They’ll also offer free Php 200 GC for every sign-up or renewal from July 12-15, 2018.

S & R Membership shopping club is located along CDO-Iligan Road, Zone 5, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro showcases a treasure of world-class shopping values for its S&R CDO members. They’re open daily from 8AM-9PM. S&R offers high-quality products on local and international brand names that guarantee satisfaction, savings and value for membership daily. For more details, you may call them at (088) 880-9999 or on S & R Membership Shopping Club’s Facebook Page.

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