Sunday, February 23

Campus DevCon at MUST

dev-con-logo Developers Connect Philippines (DevCon), a non-profit organization which aims to promote the “IT Pinoy Talent” mainly by providing a unique venue for IT students, educators, professionals and enthusiasts to Sync, Support and Succeed will hold its Campus DevCon at MUST this March 12, 2013. It will be a gathering at Mindanao University of Science and Technology designed to introduce technology topics from key players of the IT community and encourage interactions among students, educators and professionals.

A Campus DevCon has 2 main components:

Lightning Talks (LT) – LTs are very quick presentations delivered with or without auxiliary visual materials. Each speakers has a maximum of 10 minutes to present his idea, including preparation time, self, introduction, Q&A, etc. There are usually 6-8 LTs per Campus DevCon.

Birds of a Feather (BoF) – BoF is an informal debate on tech topics with 3 volunteers from two opposing sides. A BoF panel will judge on who’s the best team. Examples of BoF topics are “iOS vs Android”, “Does technology improve or harm a person’s social life?” and “Windows vs Linux”.

Mindanao University of Science and Technology
C.M. Recto Ave., Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

Mar 12, 2013 12:30 pm to Mar 12, 2013 5:00 pm

1:00-1:10 – Opening Remarks by College Dean
1:10-1:20 – Introduction to DevCon by DevCon Representative
1:20-3:50 – Lightning Talks
3:50-4:00 Raffle
4:00-4:30 Birds of a Feather (BoF)
4:30-4:40 Closing Remarks by Student Council President
4:40-5:00 Networking

Register here:


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